“POX” News

A wonderful fall morning.Birds are singing, the sun is shining lazily( but it is not too hot), the leaves are starting to fall and give you this warmish-snuglish give-me-my-marshmallow-cocoa kind of feeling. ( Put the cheesy inspirational music on, please!). The “First day of school” experience passed and my son is excited just as we…

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“POX” News

A wonderful fall morning.Birds are singing, the sun is shining lazily( but it is not too hot), the leaves are starting to fall and give you this warmish-snuglish give-me-my-marshmallow-cocoa kind of feeling. ( Put the cheesy inspirational music on, please!). The “First day of school” experience passed and my son is excited just as we…

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A Birthday Wish

“Celebrate like there is no tomorrow, you turn 21 only once!” – what a huge cliche!!!I haven’t heard anybody turning 16 or 61 twice! Have you? Then why should we celebrate as if there is not tomorrow ONLY when we are 21?!Because in US at that age you can drink legally? Well, I got news…

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A Birthday Wish

“Celebrate like there is no tomorrow, you turn 21 only once!” – what a huge cliche!!!I haven’t heard anybody turning 16 or 61 twice! Have you? Then why should we celebrate as if there is not tomorrow ONLY when we are 21?!Because in US at that age you can drink legally? Well, I got news…

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Surprises- a curse or a blessing?

There are people that don’t like surprises and there are some that just die for a surprise. I am the latter , but I just don’t remember when was the last time I was pleasantly surprised. I say pleasantly, because you know, you can always be unpleasantly surprised but a nice surprise is another story.Don’t…

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Surprises- a curse or a blessing?

There are people that don’t like surprises and there are some that just die for a surprise. I am the latter , but I just don’t remember when was the last time I was pleasantly surprised. I say pleasantly, because you know, you can always be unpleasantly surprised but a nice surprise is another story.Don’t…

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