The new Bedroom

We have finished the bedroom as well, but the bad news is that the pictures are as bad as can be. I am really sorry, I am really hoping to upgrade this week to something better as a camera, but these are the pictures now.The walls before were bright yellow, horrible color for bedroom, since…

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The new Purple-Violet Bathroom

I’ve read in a design magazine that the color of this year is violet, but that was not the reason to paint ours like that. I used this color because this is my favorite color 🙂I was dreading this bathroom renovation since the day we moved in, because I knew that we will have to…

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Crazy Frog

Now I don’t want you to start thinking I am not going to post for a long time since I am remodeling ( and renovating 🙂 ). Not at all!I am actually going to show you what I am doing, maybe it will be helpful, maybe you can get some new ideas.The thing is, that…

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Martenici ( Martenizi)

We have a wonderful Bulgarian tradition of making  red and white “charms” for luck, happiness and health that you have to wear from 1st of March until you see the first stork or first tree in bloom. This year I was really busy but, I really wanted to share this tradition with the kids in…

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