History in the making

I have been working on a “secret” project with a very talented photographer, Jim Miller, who is also the owner of Desolation Road Studios and Desolation Road Photography , and I can’t wait to share. As it comes to “secret”projects, often they take a lot of time and preparation, so be patient and I will share more soon. In the mean time, take a peek at these:

It’s all in the light, they say. 😉


Jim and I did many shots with different hair styles, make up and clothes, but I have to say this set was my favorite. And in case you are wondering- yes, it’s a mustache! 🙂


It is awesome when you meet someone creative as you and you work on a project together, not knowing how things are going to turn out, but just having faith that when two creative natures collide, something awesome is going to come out.

High Key 3
 Interesting time piece. 

 We are of course planing to work on another project soon, when I graduate ( I can’t believe I have just 2 months left!), but we will have to really work hard to top this one off.
