Online Reference Service Presentation for librarians
For the past two semesters I had the privilege to work with an amazing partner on two group assignments, and I am very proud of what our collaboration resulted in. That is why I wanted to share with you one of our new creations- a presentation on Online reference service, the target audience is librarians, but it can be very useful for patrons as well. We enjoyed making this presentation very much and I sincerely hope you will enjoy it too.
Link to presentation on YouTube (just in case)
Part of the fun was that we got to include our own artistic creations. Jeremy Hall ( my project partner) created the music, I did the artwork.
This is my first experience with crating many digital images and I am so glad I practiced with my Wacom Bamboo Create Pen and Touch Tablet (CTH670), because it turned out to be much more complicated and time consuming than I expected. Digital drawing turned out to be much different than regular drawing. 🙂
These are the supplemental materials, which we referred to in the presentation, in case you would like to learn more about the topic we were discussing. I realize that it took us a long time to finish that presentation, but it was totally worth it and one of the most interesting class projects we had o far.
Jeremy is not only the best group project partner I had ever had, but also a very talented musician (his band’s name is Blue Coyote). If you would like to contact Jeremy and his band, you can write him an e-mail. Here is their latest album, which I really like!
Let us know what you think, we would appreciate your comments!