Cherries in the rain

 Cherries 201102

It’s a week after I actually went cherry picking in the rain, but I still wanted to share with you something, a story about positive thinking and how it really works. Am I writing this about you…or just to remind myself when I’m feeling down, it doesn’t really matter. What matters is that for once I felt like I made the right choice how I feel and the result was wonderful.
I won’t go into to much specifics, but last Sunday at home started very dramatic. On top of that it started raining cats and dogs outside. It had all the promise to become a dreadful and long…long day BUT the moment I opened  my eyes I refused to let that happen. So, in spite of the rain, I planned for the us to go cherry picking. I knew that is going to stop the moment we go there and trust me, few things can compare with the taste of fresh cherries dressed in raindrops!
After we came home it was wonderful to see my whole family pitting cherries, the kitchen smelling of caramel and then to taste the delicious white cherry jam we made.
So sometimes, when life gives you rain, turn it into tea and drink it with …white cherry jam!