It’s All About Coffee

“Ah coffee. The sweet balm by which we shall accomplish today’s tasks.” 
 ― Holly Black, Ironside

I was never a morning person. I never drank coffee. Is there a correlation? I don’t know, but what I know is I simply adored the aroma of coffee.

For the love and respect of coffee

Aroma? Really? Yes, really. People shouldn’t be allowed to say “the smell of coffee”. Smoke smells. Garbage smells. Coffee…it simply enchants. You can taste the warm liquid caressing your throat long before your lips touch it and its velvety aroma lingers in the air long after you drink your cup. Nothing can compare to coffee in the way it makes you feel…present.

Still,when I moved to the US, the regular coffee was very strange. Humongous cups, semi-dark warm watery liquid with a burnt taste. No wonder people were dousing it with tons of creamers, liquid flavoring and flavored sugar, it was undrinkable otherwise.

A quest for taste

Finding the right kind that makes me appreciate every sip wasn’t easy. My husband and I usually share a cup in the morning before work and rarely we both liked the coffee so much that we would both try to have the last sip. We did try some sampler sets from Amazon, coffee from all around the world and we both found that our taste leans more towards bold, rich, creamy and strong coffee. As a last resort, we drank our favorite Italian coffee which we were lucky to find on Amazon, but after drinking that for months and months we were craving for a change.


Coffee revelation

 You know that feeling when you meet someone for the first time and you find that you understand each other as you’ve been friends for a long time? That’s how I felt when we met Christine at a Christmas party last year. She and I started talking about coffee and the minute she mentioned her job is to roast coffee for Liquid Assets Coffee I knew I had to have her roast some for us.

Needless to say, having someone roast and then grind fresh coffee for our morning cuppa was an exhilarating thought! We got different kins to try and we decided a simple “try this- try that” won’t do. We organized each morning a face off between two kinds. The one that we liked the best would go to the next round, until we pick the winner.When my husband brought the bags home, I can steel feel the scent in the air. Nothing can compare to freshly roasted and ground coffee. Nothing!

 Coffee World Cup

After a week, we already knew which one is our favorite- “Colombian Viennese Roast”. Although it was very close with the “Colombian Full City”, which I used to for the pictures by the way, at least for me, the Viennese roast won the cup, or I should say the Morning Cuppa? 🙂


And this morning? This morning I am enjoying my cup and one of my favorite books in the front yard, with the sun peeking through the leaves and the robin family providing the background music. But what’s a coffee without a cookie, right?

 I simply love Saturdays…