Breakfast for dinner for the love of American pancakes
OK, I’ve been here what….5 years now and I have my favorites from the American cuisine, but pancakes were never one of them. I tried them in different restaurants…and I just can’t stand the baking powder smell! Every time it was so strong that it burned my nose.
We were talking with a friend and I shared my dislike of the American pancakes.” You can’t be serious!That won’t do at all!” was her reaction. So, she dared me to try it at home and then to tell her if I like it or not.
I admit the American pancakes won me over with the first bite! The recipe I found and tried was for “Basic Pancakes” and shock and awe-there was no baking powder smell! I guess in the restaurants are adding more baking powder to make the most out of the batter and that has nothing to do with the taste of the pancakes in general. My homemade pancakes were fluffy without the burning smell, they had such a delicate texture, so when you take a bite you hardly have to chew at all!
The mixture of this creamy and light taste combined with the sour-y freshness of the strawberries and the smoky taste of the maple syrup made such a delightful combination, that nobody could stop eating them even when they were full! The result was I had to make the recipe the next day again!
As you probably gathered from the title, I made the pancakes for dinner ( pancakes, sausages, eggs, the whole nine yards) and this was one of the most indulgent things we’ve done with the kids last week!
So, grab your pans and kids and follow the example! 🙂
* I increased the ingredients, because in my opinion the original recipe does not apply for families with kids that love pancakes.
You will need:
3 cups flour
3 3/4 tsp baking powder
4 1/2 tbsp sugar ( you can cut back on that if you want)
3/4 tsp salt
3 large eggs
2 1/2 to 2 3/4 cups milk ( if you think the batter is too thick, feel free to add more, just do it a little bit at a time!)
3 tbsp melted butter
* You can add things to that original batter and experiment with it, like fresh fruit, nuts, spices, even spinach and tomatoes for coloring the batter in red and green etc.
1. Sift the dry ingredients- flour, baking powder and salt together.
2. Beat the eggs with the sugar in a large mixing bowl. Add the melted butter.
3. Combine the dry ingredients with the eggs, then gradually add the milk until you have the desired consistency.
4. Heat a large ( the largest you have) nonstick pan to medium high. Pour a ladle of the batter into the pan. When you notice small bubbles coming up on the surface, take a spatula ( a wooden or silicon one i
s preferred so you don’t scratch your pan) and turn the pancake over. You do not need to grease the pan!
* Instead of a ladle you can use a measuring cup, it makes your work so much easier! Just pour in a circular motion until you reach the desired size of a pancake. I usually make them small, so I can pack my son for school the next morning.
5. Serve hot with toppings as you like- fresh fruit, whipped cream, nuts, maple syrup, honey etc. I even make peanut butter and Nutella spreadable chocolate sandwiches with these pancakes, they are to die for!
In Bulgarian/На български
3 ч.ч брашно
3 3/4 ч.л бакпулвер
4 1/2с.л захар ( може да намалите захарта ако са ви прекалено сладки или ще ги сервирате със солена гарнитура)
3/4 ч.л сол
3 големи яйца
2 1/2 до 2 3/4 ч.ч прясно мляко ( Ако мислите, че сместа ви е прекалено гъста може да добавите още мляко, но внимавайте да не я направите прекалено рядка)
3 с.л разтопено масло
* Може да добавите още неща към сместа, това е основна рецепта. Може да добавите пресни плодове, ядки, подправки, дори смлени спанак и домати за оцветяване в червено и зелено.
1. Пресейте сухите съставки- брашно, бакпулвер и сол заедно.
2. Разбийте яйцата със захарта в голяма купа. Добавете разтопеното масло.
3. Смесете сухите съставки с яйцата, като добавяте постепенно и млякото, докато получите желаната консистенция..
4. Загрейте на 3 най-големият тиган с незалепващо покритие, който имате. Излейте черпаче от сместа в тигана. Когато започнат да се образуват балончета на повърхността на палачинката я обърнете обратно. Желателно е да използвате дървена или силиконова шпатула, за да не нараните повърхността на тигана. Няма нужда да намазнявате тигана с нищо! Палачинките се пекат, не пържат!
*Вместо черпак може да използвате мерителна чаша, така се излива по-лесно в тигана и имате по-голям контрол над големината на палачинките. Американските палачинки не трябва да земат цялата повърхност на тигана! Можете да печете 3-4-5-6 заедно, в зависимост от големината на тигана ви.
5. Сервирайте горещи, гарнирани с пресни плодове, сладко, сметана, ядки, кленов сироп, мед и т.н. Аз понякога правя сандвичи на децата с останалите палачинки с фъстъчено масло и Нутела.
Добър апетит!