Thanksgiving Feast 2009
Very turbulent holiday we had yesterday, but overall it was a nice and warm evening that reminded us how important is to have your family around you, to love you, support you and help you though tough times.
So the thing I am thankful for this year is having the love of my family!
I wouldn’t pretend that everything is all right now, because it’s not, but on the other hand I don’t want to spoil the interesting post I was about to post, so here it is, a sneak peak at our dinner table yesterday! (The recipes are going to be in the next post!)
1. As a first I had a nice winter salad with roasted peppers, purple cabbage, corn, celery, sprinkles with Monterrey Jack cheese and dressed with ricotta cheese, yogurt, walnuts, garlic and spices dressing.
Here it is without the dressing:
And here it is with the dressing:
2.As a second we had chicken soup with rice, linguine,pumpkin and fresh celery
For a closer look click on the picture bellow.
3. As a main course we had Roasted chicken with mushrooms and onions( no turkey this year, we are going to have the turkey next weekend because we don’t eat that much meat and we are having friends over on 5th of December).
With a side dish of mashed potatoes with sour cream and topped with chicken gravy.
4. The dessert was a rich and great tasting sweet potato pie! I have to admit I never made one before and I didn’t use a recipe, because it so happened I didn’t have Internet the whole day, so I couldn’t check how one is done, but I came up with this super recipe that tasted unbelievable! I wrote down how I made it so I wouldn’t forget, because it was exquisite taste and I’ll share the recipe very soon with you!
As a drink we had sour cherry and cranberry freshly boiled compote with fresh lemons and ice.
Wait for the recipes very very soon!
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!