More Coccadotts cakes
First of all, that’s going to be one LONG post. My schedule is a total mess right now, mostly because I’m trying really hard to finish the final manuscript of my children’s chapter book ( by the end of August I have to submit to couple of agents, have your fingers crossed for me! That’s why I’m not very active on my blog right now but I have tons of information to publish ( if I only had the extra pair of hands or at least 4 more hours a day).
Anyway, I wanted to show you couple of cakes (and decorations for cakes) that I’ve made( or participated in the making of) in the past couple of weeks, I hope it will be interesting for you.

But beware, no Monkey business!
Because Law and Order is always near
Unless you want to go into stealth mode
Anyway, kick back and relax
If you are Apple fan ( I’m not) you can relax with iPad in hand too.
Oh, and last but not least- my first buttercream wedding cake. I’ve been practicing some piping the last couple of weeks.
As they say on Looney tunes- That’s all folks!
Enjoy your summer,