The 4th Cake Challenge is here!!!
I can’t believe this is Challenge #4 already!
It’s like it was yesterday I came up with the idea to organize one!
So, my baby is not a baby anymore, it’s like a small person, growing big and having it’s own life, expectations, demands, needing a lots of attention and independence at the same time. Sometimes it’s happy and relaxed, sometimes is cranky and even angry, but I love it with all my hearth, because no matter how old, it’s going to be my baby!
( Sniff, sniff)
Anyway, welcome to the July 2009 Cake Challenge organized at “ BG-Mamma Forums“!
It’s been pleasure to work with so many creative and talented people, to share their energy, to admire their inspiration and to nurture their will.
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Because of the growing interest towards the challenge, I have decided to change some of the rules and to add new ones. Our challenge has a birthday present too- I’ve finally got a separate Flickr account for it and I will move all the pictures from the previous challenges there as well. If you want to see them now, here is the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Challenge.
So, the July 2009 cake Challenge was all about “Ikebana”, Japanese flower arrangement art, but also about celebrating flowers in general.
Although I’m really want to tell you all about the change in the format, I want to say a couple of words about the amazing work all the people participating showed me this year!
You cannot but admire Blueeye’s idea and her so true to the original leaf, the effort Marulka_s put into recreating this amazing piece of art even though she was pregnant at the time, the unbelievable chocolate roses Pina showed us, the realistic bamboo Antoan2006 made, and I really commend Bicho-malo for her debuit at the challenge with such a difficult flower to make, the grand design Rien made for her friend’s wedding, Stasi76’s fancy bouquet, Nandelche’s original pot, Kari’s bold design, the piece of art Bubolinkata showed us, the not-from-this-world flowers of Eli_c that took mu breath away, Krasi.mira’s amazing pot, ALbena, who I am so proud of for stepping out of her comfort zone and really taking a stand, Shemet_neverojaten’s Lily of the Valley that I just couldn’t but fall in love with, Barcela, whom I wouldn’t believe the bamboo is not real ( seriously,it’s not!!!),Antoan2006’s second cake that was totally worth the wait, Shemet_neverojaten’s second cake flowers that I simply can’t comprehend how she made,
Raya_usa’s impressively royal design, Van444eto, who in spite of all the problems she had didn’t break her promise to us, although she did “break a cake” in the process,Dimitrina73’s delicate bouquet, Eli_c’s second cake pot, that simply made my eyes pop out of their sockets, Panadila’s gentle relaxing interpretation to the theme, and last, but not least Sisi7510’s cake, that came out of the blue, but with a bang!
Thank you, thank you, thank you my talented and creative friends for sharing your knowledge, expertise and inspiration!
Hats off to the cake ladies!!!
If you want to see more of them:
Raya_usa’s site
Shemet_neveroiaten’s site
Blueeye’s site
Come back on Friday to check out my cake 😉
Ta-ta for now!
P.S: Don’t forget I am giving away a prize this month!!! Learn how you can win here! I’m waiting or your comments!
*** The pictures in this post have been graciously provided by the ladies participating in the
challenge! Thank you!