News, news, news!!!
Hi all!!!
I have been so busy!!! We finally painted the kitchen, it put a hell of a fight, but so far we win! 🙂 There is a lot of finishing work we need to do, but it is getting there! 🙂 Imagine my surprise, when I saw that under the wallpaper we had there, there was a ….countertop!!! Can you imagine?! Who on Earth puts wallpaper on top of a countertop?! Not to mention how unbelievably impossible it is to remove the wallpaper glue that has been stuck to it for God knows how long!
I don’t even want to begin with the cabinets, when I tried to wash them ( with soap and water) the varnish fell off! I couldn’t believe my eyes! So now, we bought sander and varnish stripper, so we can repaint them. When? I haven’t the foggiest! I am trying to put together the children’s room, although we are not painting this one now. We are ready for school with all the stuff I had to buy ( boy, these kids grow up fast!)
At the same time I managed to hurt my hand in a stupid accident ( I was going to fall and I was trying to protect my new camera, so I hit the wall with my elbow). It definitely wasn’t broken but my hand hasn’t been the same since. I’ll go to see a doctor this week, because after I made the cake for the cake challenge, I couldn’t even move my fingers. 🙁
But…the good news is that the cake turned out the way I wanted it to be!
Just be patient! I have A LOT OF PICTURES, but I can show them after 1st of August, when the challenge is officially over. I’ll post even my album collection on Flickr, so you can all see the other cakes too! So far we 28 people are participating and the theme is a ” wedding cake” 🙂
I would not tease you more…just one more thing- my cake had a lot of pipping! :-)Oh, and I tried some new recipes as well! 🙂
And at last but not least, these are pictures with my new camera! Thank God I have something decent to take pictures with! The last year was unbelievable with the old broken one!
Hope you all have a great summer !!!
P.S Beth, you are added as well 😉