Teacher Appreciation or Back-to-School gifts

As a tradition on the first day of school, I send each of my kids’ teachers a “survival kit”. That survival kit includes a woodbuned box with each teacher’s name and some office supplies. During the school year I send additional school supplies from time to time to fill the box again. I think it’s a nice gesture and teachers always appreciate it. After all, we should appreciate our teachers not only because it’s Teacher’s appreciation day, right?
I make the designs different every year and I guess they represent more my mood at the moment than the teacher’s personality- after all, before the school year starts I rarely know anything about them. 🙂

Teacher Gifts2013 (2 of 7)

And this is how the box looks from the inside. 
      Teacher Gifts2013 (5 of 7)        Teacher Gifts2013 (1 of 7)

The second box is with a more decorative design with flowers. I have to admit working with my woodburner with adjustable temperature levels is soooo much better than the standard woodburner with only one temperature level. It’s considerably less time consuming – for example, it took my just about 2 hours to finish these two boxes, compared to the box-a-day option with the old woodburner.

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And the inside again. This box is smaller than the top one. 

Teacher Gifts2013 (6 of 7)        Teacher Gifts2013 (3 of 7)
You all know my obsession with brown paper bags, so yeah… 🙂
Teacher Gifts2013 (7 of 7)
If you like the idea, you can order a Teacher’s Gift customized box from my Etsy store
I wish everyone a great school year! 