Food for the soul or food for the mouth?
– “Food in the Art and Craft section?! She must be going mad!”
No, my dears, I simply had a dilemma what to post first, because I have tons of pictures and stuff that needs to be uploaded and I ….well I don’t have the time to do it, honestly. Sometimes I dream of an assistant who can help me out in moments like this, because on top of everything else, it is a bit too much.
Food for the soul beats food for the mouth any day, so here it is, my latest creation!
You all know how much I love a brown paper bag! I am totally nuts about them! This was a gift bag for a very sweet little girl and I hope she liked it! 🙂
I enjoyed so much making this bag that I had to make couple more! Unfortunately i don’t have pictures, but one of them had orange buttons, the other one green butterflies.