Where geometry meets art- white on black mandala
Although I don’t use a ruler
and such, I like geometric shapes. I think geometry is half of the story behind these drawings white on black. I just love it how I see that my straight lines are getting better! Practice makes perfect, people say and I completely agree! You can notice the difference between the first ones and these very well. I used to draw like this very long time ago, I am glad I still have it in me! 🙂
I hope you like these as well!
1. A flower like one with a LOT of leaves. 🙂
2. “Celtic heart
“, why I called it that…I am not completely sure. I just felt like it. I know there is an album
3. This one is very different, I felt it even when I made it. It kind of “reveals” itself..you can’t “see” it at first sight.
4. I was so sick when I made this one! I think that whenever I am not feeling better, or I am upset, frustrated, angry..the pictures become more”captivating” to the eye. My mom says it reminds her of a chakra drawing. I haven’t seen one and I don’t want to look into it, because I don’t want to influence my drawing, so I am not sure if she is right.
5. Have you seen the “ Hogfather
“? I was watching it while making this drawing…very powerful shapes when you see them in real life! You just can’t look away!
I have said it before, but let me say it again- if you look at the small size of the pictures, you miss a lot of details, because it is white on black and “leads” the eye. I would have posted larger sizes than this, but unfortunately this is the largest size I can fit here. If you can, click on the pictures and take a look at the bigger size, it is a totally different experience.
Now wish me luck, because tonight I am giving a speech! I’ll let you know what is it about in one of the next postings!