Watercolors II

Here are 5 more watercolors that I wanted to show you.
I am looking at them and thinking they look like they are so different in style. I still can’t find my style and I am just experimenting. Which is not a bad thing of course, you never know. As with the pyrography and the card making I already have my stile, but it took some time.
When I mentioned pyrography, you wouldn’t believe what I am about to show you! I have been working on 3 large pieces that are going to represent mandala patterns.
They came out so much better than expected, I think I might make series with them, but I am definitely using them for the Art show.
Here are the watercolors:
1. A landscape with trees– the light was awful and I couldn’t take a proper picture, this one is way more beautiful in person. Half of the shades are just missing because of the picture.
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2. Flower impression

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3. Flower basket- initially this was supposed to be a card, then I thought I should add some text with a stamp but I decided against it at the end.
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4.Flower field- a lot of the shades are missing again, because of the pictures.

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5. Flower branch-I absolutely love that one, the picture doesn’t do it justice.

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From these, I think the flower branch is my favorite. What do you think?