12″ Mandala plate- the bigest I ever pyrographed!


For quite some time I have been meaning to try to pyrograph a large 12″ wooden plate. I have always found challenging and fascinating the woodburning of large wooden pieces, mostly because I like to finish the art work in one sitting and large pieces don’t allow that.
The moment I saw this 12″ plate I was sure this is going to be a challenge.I broke one of my woodburning tips and for the purpose of small details I have to use the thinnest ( like a needle) tip which takes at least twice the time and 4 time the concentration to get it right. For some reason I couldn’t find woodburning tips in our Michael’s store where I usually buy them and I didn’t have the time to order some ( it can take up to 2 weeks!!!) so I decided to go for it anyways.
Let me tell you, it was a colossal work! It took me 14 days ( around 6 hours a day work) to finish it! This is more than 80 hours!!! Now that’s a plate!

Unfortunately I don’t have many pictures of the drawings on the plate, because while I transferred them to my computer I accidentally deleted them.

This is the beginning

But I took couple of closer looks to the plate, I hope this helps!

And another closer look
I like this plate and everything, but I was thinking…I would rather make the smaller ones. Yes, this is most impressive, but I love to finish what I start in one sitting and sometimes with the woodburning this is a challenge.
That’s why I started making white on black mandalas on paper. I’ll show you tomorrow the ones I’ve finished, my idea is to use some of them as rubber stamps and I would really appreciate the input which ones would you like to use as stamps.
TaTa for now!