The last 6th part of pyrographed boxes!!!

The last batch of boxes is ready to be seen! 🙂 I am so relieved that I am finished! 46 boxes total!
I already started on the cards and it’s going very slow! 🙁 The kids are all over me, so I really have no idea how many cards I am going to be able to make realistically.
Anyway, here are the last of the boxes:

1. A small flower box
Boxes333 (2) Boxes333

2. This is a medium box that I already gave as a gift to a close friend of mine, so this one couldn’t make it to the festival (un)fortunately 🙂
Boxes333 (5)

Boxes333 (3)

3. I just love this one! One of my favorite! It’s a medium to small box, a little bit bigger than the little ones. I don’t know why I didn’t think of making more with grapes in the beginning. If I have the time ( which I doubt) I’ll probably make some more.

4. A large size ( like a normal dining plate) wooden plate. This is the second time I make this design, it was on a box before if you remember, but I really liked that tree! And I wanted to try a new shading technique that I figured out on my own. The results I think are vissible. It’s so much better than the 1st try.
WoodenPlates (1)

5. A patterned plate, large size.
WoodenPlates (5)

WoodenPlates (6)

There is one more box that unfortunately I don’t have a picture of it yet. It’s the same design as the one with the crayons. A friend of mine wanted to get the 1st one, so I made a new one for the festival.

I hope you enjoyed the pyrographed boxes!
Tomorrow I’ll hopefully post the surprise for my husband! 😉 The one you don’t want to miss 😉
If you liked this, you might want to check out the part 1, part 2, part 3,part 4 and part 5 too.